Chapter 10 Supplement Images of Dar al-Hikma
Very little remains of the palace compound
itself. Most of the palace structures, including Dar al-Hikma and Dar
al-'Ilm, are long gone. This supplement presents some images of Fatimid
Cairo buildings yet standing. Additional images are presented as location
Fig. 10.1
Downtown Cairo[1]
Figure 10.1
pinpoints Fatimid Cairo. A rough outline of the Fatimid
city wall is marked in red. (North is up, scale 1 inch : 0.4 km.)
Fig. 10.2
Map of Fatimid Cairo[2]
Figure 10.2
sketches the districts of Fatimid Cairo, with the palace compound outlined at
center. The Great Road to Fustat runs north and south through the palace
compound. Fatimid landmarks: Mosque of al-Hakim (top center); Mosque of
al-Aqmar (upper center); al-Azhar University (lower right). (Scale approx.
1 inch : 0.4 km.)
Fig. 10.3
Perspective drawing of
the Mosque of al-Hakim (A.D. 1013 / 403 A.H.)[3]
Fig. 10.4
Mosque of al-Hakim,
Fig. 10.5
Mosque of al-Hakim,
Fig. 10.6
Mosque of al-Aqmar,
exterior (A.D. 1125 / 519 A.H.)[4]
Fig. 10.7
Mosque of al-Aqmar,
Fig. 10.8
Al-Azhar University,
interior (A.D. 972 / 361 A.H.)[5]
Fig. 10.9
Map of palace grounds[6]
Figure 10.9
outlines the buildings of the palace compound. The Great Road to
Fustat divides east and west sides of the palace. To the southeast we find
Dar al-'Ilm. To the northwest, Dar al-Hikma (labeled here as "House of
Wisdom"). Note that the Mosque of al-Aqmar (top center) is the only extant
structure on this map. (Scale approx. 1 inch : 0.13 km.)
Fig. 10.10
Site of Dar al-Hikma
The modern
intersection shown in Figure 10.10 marks the location of the northeast corner of
Dar al-Hikma. No ruins have been preserved. Neither has the Egyptian
government afforded the site any manner of landmark.
Fig. 10.11
Video panorama of the
site of Dar al-Hikma
A series of video
images provides a panorama of the intersection shown in Figure 10.10. The
approximate sweep of the panorama is marked on the map in red. The
panorama begins with a southward view down the Great Road to Fustat, panning
westward across the corner intersection. Click on the map in Figure 10.11
to download. (QuickTime, 4.8MB, no sound.)
next Chapter 11: Passage Types
Chapter 10 Supplement — Endnotes
[1] Lehnert &
Landrock, Tourist Map of Cairo (Cairo: Nubar Printing House, ca. 1973).
[3] Marianne Barrucand, et al., ed., Tresors
Fatimides du Caire (Paris: Institut du Monde Arabe, 1998) 66.
[5] Bayard Dodge, Al-Azhar: A Millennium of
Muslim Learning (Washington, D. C.: The Middle East Institute, 1961) 25.