
Chapter 13 Merger Probability
In Chapter 11 I drew out the passage types implicit in the concept of existential passage. One of those types — split passage — I view unlikely, perhaps even impossible. The same is not true of merged passage.
Let's consider two
similar illustrations below. Each illustration represents an inferred two-to-one merger of Nicos and Magnus to Thanos.
Fig. 13.1
Fig. 13.2
The timelines in
Figure 13.2 are altered slightly in relation to Figure 13.1. In Figure
13.2 Nicos' death has hastened somewhat, and Magnus' has tarried. The merged passage is still inferred because both Nicos and Magnus
still pass away before the birth of Thanos. We can see from this example
that merged passages, unlike split passages, are resilient against small changes
in timing.
By the same
reasoning we can deduce that one-to-one, or unitary, passages are likewise
robust: they, too, are resilient against small changes in timing.
And so both
unitary and merged passages would seem to be common. But how common?
Would persons experience unitary passages more frequently than mergers?
Or, instead, would they pass through mergers more frequently?
The question may
appear intractable at first. Certainly, participants in existential
passage cannot know what is happening to them. Nicos cannot know whether
he participates in a unitary or merged passage. Neither can Thanos know if
one, or many, or no passage participants transfer to his life. All
participants must be ignorant of what transpires, as no knowledge of the event
can reach their subjective viewpoints.
But it is here
that an objective viewpoint again proves its value. Previously we've taken to
the objective viewpoint only so that we might see the possible
types of existential passage unitary, merged, ex
nihilo and split. The passage types became clear as we studied timeline
illustrations representing a few Aegean idylls.
Now a question has
arisen which cannot be answered by such isolated sketches. Something of a
systematic, global view of the metaphysics is required if we are to learn just
how common each passage type would be, relative to the others. This task
requires that we abstract our objective viewpoint beyond the isolated sketches
refining it into a mathematical representation of the sketched
events. The mathematics will supplant the illustrative method used so far. (Unfortunately the presentation of a mathematics
must needs be quite dry, and for this dryness the author apologizes. Results are summarized in
Chapter 16.)
We can think of the mathematics as
our fourth stepping stone along the metaphysical path.
To ground the mathematics in reality, we should begin
by recalling that Metaphysics by Default leans heavily upon naturalistic
argument for support. Nicos passes to Thanos only if an indifferent Nature times events to their mutual advantage. Nature is the driving
force. And Nature is, as Cicero has reminded us, [1] capricious in
the allotment of destinies. "Capricious" we can read prosaically as
Random events are
individually unpredictable. But when conditions are stable, and
populations are large, many types of random events "average
out." And the resulting averages are
As example, we
might consider the measurement of temperature: in, say, a glass of water.
The temperature of each water molecule is random, unknowable. But the molecules
distribute their individual temperatures about some
average temperature. A thermometer dropped into the glass will
tell us this average temperature with certainty.
In this chapter we
are only concerned with averages: the average number of experienced merged
passages, divided by the average number of experienced unitary passages.
This quantity is formulated as a ratio. And the ratio can be found, provided that the timings of events are random.
Three approaches to the problem are possible. All
three produce much the same solution. A summary of the several mathematical results will be presented in Chapter 16.
The first approach
uses informal probability rules. This solution, being informal, is not
entirely certain; but this method may be the most intuitive of the three.
We'll walk through an informal probability solution within this chapter.
The second
approach makes use of a "Monte Carlo program." The technique is
akin to gamblers' odds-making: many random events are generated, and statistics
are compiled on those events in order to ascertain the odds of each event
type. Monte Carlo results will be presented in the summary of Chapter 16.
The third approach
applies a formal probability calculus to the problem. [2] This technique is the most rigorous of the
three, and its results may be considered a formal proof. In Chapter 16 we will compare the solution obtained by this formal probability calculus
against the solutions obtained by the other two techniques. The text of the formal proof, which is rather difficult, I've relegated to
Appendix A.
To start off, let's consider the first approach. With the help
of informal probability rules we can find the experienced ratio of merged versus
unitary passage.
We've already posited random timings. Two
more preconditions must be added if the problem is to be mathematically
- The population must be stable, neither increasing nor
decreasing noticeably over time. Of course, each death decreases the population, and
each birth increases it. But we
must assume that these changes in population will cancel out over time, as
the population maintains itself near some equilibrium size.
- We assume, after Chapter 11, that split passages are
rare. So we will disregard split passages in formulation of the
mathematical problem.
Given these preconditions the mathematical problem can be solved. We open with the figure below:
Fig. 13.3
Unitary passage
Figure 13.3
illustrates a simple existential passage. It is a unitary passage,
such as that experienced by Nicos and Thanos in the original version of the
Aegean idyll. This will be the starting point of the solution by informal
probability rules.
"freeze" the timelines in Figure 13.3. These two timelines
cannot be altered. For now they represent the only two lives which can
have been extant in the idyllic cosmos. If we ask, "What is the
probability that a unitary passage has occurred between them?" we see that
the probability is frozen at 100%. It is certain. We can also
express this certainty as a decimal probability. (Decimal probabilities
range between 0 and 1, and they are a little easier to work with.)
Expressed in this format, the probability of a unitary passage is equal to 1. Symbolically:
p1 = 1
Here, pn is the relative probability of an n-to-one passage, where n is to be understood
as the number of persons "moving through" that passage. In this
case, n = 1.
The passage occurs
at the time of the conscious birth of the recipient, which is marked as time t in Figure 13.4 below:
Fig. 13.4
Unitary passage at time t
Time t is critical for this one particular passage. A
person who passes away before time t participates in
the passage. A person who passes away after time t does not. Time t is the sole criterion
upon which the determination depends.
Keeping in mind
the supposition that these two particular timelines are "frozen," we
now add a third person to the figure. This third person is a contemporary
of the first which is to say, a contemporary of that person whom we've
already committed to the existential passage. The new, third life will be
random in duration. This person may pass away at any time, either before
or after time
t, unpredictably. The two possible
types of outcomes are illustrated in the following two figures:
Fig. 13.5
Fig. 13.6
The addition of a third person
opens up
the possibility of a passage type which was not
possible in Figure 13.4. Here we have our first opportunity for a two-to-one merged passage.
As it happens, the first two-to-one merger is found in
Figure 13.5. Merger occurs only in Figure 13.5; it does not occur in Figure 13.6. Since each of the two possible outcomes
is equally likely, the probability of a two-to-one merger is here 1/2, or
0.5. Symbolically:
p2 = 0.5
We can create another set of figures to
determine the probability of a three-to-one merger. To do this we'll add a
fourth person. Again, this additional person may pass away at any time, either
before or after time
t. Four types of outcomes
are now possible:
Fig. 13.7
Fig. 13.8
Fig. 13.9
Fig. 13.10
Of these four figures,
only Figure 13.7 contains a three-to-one merger. And so the probability of
a three-to-one merger is here 1/4, or 0.25.
p3 = 0.25
If we add a fifth person, we can determine
the probability of a four-to-one merger. Adding this fifth person increases
the number of possible outcomes to eight:
Fig. 13.11
Fig. 13.12
Fig. 13.13
Fig. 13.14
Fig. 13.15
Fig. 13.16
Fig. 13.17
Fig. 13.18
Of these eight
figures, only Figure 13.11 contains a four-to-one merger. And so the
probability of a four-to-one merger is here 1/8, or 0.125.
p4 = 0.125
Relative probabilities for each passage type
are emerging now, following the rule:
pn = (1/2)n-1 { n = 1 to infinity }
where, again, n
is the number of persons passing through an
The first ten
relative probabilities are tallied in Table 13.1:
Table 13.1
Relative passage
passage type
relative passage
We can see from
these results that merged passages grow increasingly unlikely as the number of
participants rises. This makes sense, as we have presupposed random
Now we need to consider another important
factor: the
experiences of the persons involved in
passage are at issue here, rather than the passages themselves.
Table 13.1 lists
relative passage probabilities, but those probabilities are only a part of the finished solution. To get closer to
the real solution we should think about the persons moving through the
passages. Specifically, we note that:
1. In a unitary passage, one person passes through.
2. In a two-to-one merger, two persons pass through.
3. In a three-to-one merger, three persons pass
4. In a four-to-one merger, four persons pass
through and so on.
The importance of this observation is that
although mergers grow increasingly unlikely as the number of participants
increases, we must not lose sight of the corresponding fact that
the number of participants is increasing apace.
And these participants should be accounted for, if the calculated probabilities
are to match up with their experiences. Another way of saying this is to
point out that when a high-order, large-number merger occurs, many persons must
perforce pass through it. That "aggregation" makes the merger
more likely, from the standpoint of those involved, than the numbers of Table
13.1 would indicate.
The relative
probabilities of each passage type, as experienced by the
participants, can be calculated by multiplying the relative probability of
the passage type by the number of persons involved in that passage. The
modified probability formula becomes:
pn = n
x (1/2)n-1
where, again, n
is the number of persons involved in an
For a one-to-one
unitary passage:
p1 = 1 x
= 1
For a two-to-one
p2 = 2 x
= 1
For a
three-to-one merger:
p3 = 3 x
= 3/4 = 0.75
For a four-to-one
p4 = 4 x
= 4/8 = 0.5
And so on. Table 13.2 summarizes
the first ten of these relative experienced
Table 13.2
Relative experienced
passage type
relative experienced probability
This gets us closer
to the real solution, but one more refinement remains. The probabilities
in Table 13.2 are relative probabilities: that is to say, they are correctly
proportioned, relative to one another. But they do not add up to 1 (i.e.,
100%), which is what we should want of the
probabilities. Instead, we see that the first ten probabilities add up to
3.9772, which is larger than 1.
In order to
convert these relative probabilities into absolute probabilities, it is
necessary to find a normalizing constant,  , which, when divided into all the
probabilities, makes them sum to 1 exactly. We can see that  must be
larger than 3.9772. Its exact value can be calculated by summing the
relative experienced probabilities for all merger
types, from n = 1 to
n = infinity. The power series for this sum is:
= 1 + 1 + 0.75 +
0.5 + 0.313 + 0.188 + 0.109 + ...
This sum is proved to be of the form: 1 / (1- x) 2. Here x = 1/2, so:
= 4
For confirmation Appendix E sums the series mechanically, with same result.
This value of  , when divided into all the probabilities, makes
them sum to 1 exactly. Hence they become the absolute experienced
probabilities we've been seeking. So, dividing the relative experienced
probability formula by 4, we get the formula for absolute experienced
probability. Modifying our formula one last time, it
pn = 0.25 n
x (1/2)n-1
Table 13.3 summarizes the first ten absolute experienced probabilities.
Table 13.3
Absolute experienced
passage type
absolute experienced probability
probabilities can provide the solution to the problem. Restating and summarizing the original
What is the experienced ratio of
merged versus unitary passage?
We can see in Table 13.3 that one-to-one
unitary passages have an absolute experienced probability of 0.25, or 25%.
We interpret this as meaning that a person should have a 25% chance of
experiencing a unitary passage. [3]
All other passage
probabilities sum to 75%. Since all other passages are merged passages, a
person should have a 75% chance of experiencing a merged passage.
The ratio, 75:25,
is just 3:1.
We conclude that the experienced ratio of
merged versus unitary passage is 3:1. Under normal circumstances, a passage
participant would be three times as likely to encounter a merged passage as a
unitary passage.
In the next chapter we will determine the
likelihood of ex nihilo passage.
next Chapter 14: Ex Nihilo Probability
Chapter 13 Endnotes
[1] As cited previously in
Chapter 9, Section 3, note 15: "Nature is the one who has granted us the loan of our lives, without setting any
schedule for repayment. What has one to complain of if she calls in the loan when she
[2] The definitions and theorems of this calculus follow from John G.
Kemeny and J. Laurie Snell,
Finite Markov Chains
(Princeton: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1960) 25, 35-39, 99-100. For
additional references to these topics see William Feller, "Waiting Line And
Servicing Problems," An Introduction to Probability
Theory and Its Applications, 2 vols., 2 nd
edition (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1957) 413-21.
[3] It may be surprising to see that two-to-one mergers are just as
likely to be encountered as one-to-one unitary passages. But the formula for absolute
experienced probabilities correctly sets odds on both at 25%.